GOD CHANGES OUR DESTINY PART 03 03 PASTORA TÂNIA TEREZA Many times my dear friends with a word given to us and I'd like to conclude telling you this it might happen that you heard this word.


And this word God gave you just to test you to see how faithful you are you and God can change that word you need to be attentive you need to be careful and listening all the time in order to avoid.

Foolishness let me give you an example from the Bible God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac word Abraham is killed Isaac.

Kill him Abraham obedience brought his child to the mount a knife wood firewood and he would have he would have killed Isaac if he had not continued listening to his.

Voice first he says kill and then he said stop don't kill him you need to be constantly connected to this God who speaks continually to you.

Many times the first word is just to test you to see how faithful you are how obedient you are but he has better thoughts for you he has the most excellent.

Foreign we need to depend on God and everything all the time every day as you wake up depend on him Lord what do you want from me today what.

Would you like me to do if you're with me it will go fine our old self takes too long to die new converts many times wrong choices independently from God and.

Then they come back to the pastors crying it all went wrong well had you consulted the Lord prior to taking the decision did you ask him.

What would be the best choice well God answered something that was not very pleasing to him well what he answered Jesus wasn't very pleasing to the cross obedience.

Jesus received a supernatural award an honor all authority was given to me in the heavens and on Earth do you know why because the God I know rewards obedience.

Rewards obedience he rewards obedience Psalm 139 David says probe my heart see if there's any evil way in my heart and take me to the eternity.


    Psalm 139

    First talks about God's greatness his almightiness is one of the most beautiful songs in the Bible he says.

    Lord you have searched me Lord and you know me you know when I sit and when I Rise you perceive my thoughts from afar you perceive my thoughts from afar you discern my going out and my lying down.

    You are familiar with all my ways before a word is on my tongue you Lord know it completely you hem me and behind and before and you lay your hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me.

    Too lofty for me to attain where can I go from your spirit where can I flee from your presence if I go up to the heavens there you are so fast if I make my bed in the depths.

    You are there if I rise on the wings of the Dawn if I settle on the far side of the sea even there your hand will guide me and your right hand will hold me fast if I say surely the darkness will hide.

    Me and the light become night around me even the darkness will not be done to you the night will shine because night and day is the same thing God knows everything.

    I cannot hide from him there was this gospel singer that I never heard in public I think it's 108. I.

    Cannot flee from your spirit and not remain afar from your love if I rise to the heavens oh down to the abbess I go I know that you will be there.

    [Music] if I take the wings of dawn your hands will guide me even when dark comes after dusk your light will continue shining.

    Because you will be with me

    This is exactly it is where you go wherever you are doing whatever you're doing.

    God will be there his spirit will not forsake you who knows what's better for you did you give up on soul and not on David Soul sin it looks so tiny nearby.

    Davidson was to disobey the Commandments of War David adultery murder why did not God give up on David and he did give up on Saul and when Saul went.

    To pray for Saul and God said do not pray for him I will not hear this prayer he's a rebel Rebellion is like a witchcraft it's an obstination like idolatry.

    Obstination is like being hard-headed do not pray for him I will not hear this word prophet Samuel said okay well not even Samuel's prayer God wanted.

    To hear God knows everything of everyone every single day before this person comes to this world David's repentance crying writing Psalms 51 do not further yourself for me do not.

    Retreat your spirit from me and he never saw Saul's repentance God's mercy which is the cause of not being consumed every day and God's mercy arises when we.

    Repent God knows everything days are yet to come he knows them he knows what's best for me no one knows what's best for me as he.

    Does no one loves me like he does not even I myself love myself as he loves me well all I have to do is surrender myself into his arms that's it you will seek for me if you pursue me.

    And you will find me when you do this with all your heart I will be found by you he wants to be found [Music] I will change your destiny change for.

    The better I know no one who has sought God with all his or her heart who surrender his or her life to serve him who lives with him to do his will.

    Who has not has changed his or her Destiny to the better who has not experience Miracles and who has had testimonies to share do you want this.

    For your life wait on a bit do you want God meeting your basic needs do you want him to supply you with everything you need well seek first the.

    Kingdom of God and his righteousness do you want to meet the desires of your heart and what are they I want to travel to Israel rejoice in the Lord he will meet the.

    Desires of your heart and he places David from shepherding and places him in the throne a girl working in the landfill of.

    Akirawana and transforms her into a judge a minister of his word there's no impossible for God please yourself with the Lord and He will meet the desires of your heart.

    Do you want to be surprised with spectacular things and have wondrous stories to share love the Lord love the Lord with all your soul with.

    All your heart and with all your understanding because no eyes have seen ears have heard or anything entered in the hearts of men.

    Those things that God has set aside for those who love him who love him with all their hearts so and understanding I'd like to invite to worship leaders.

    Here I'm not sure if everyone here tonight made a choice to walk to be that we were raised in the midst of families.

    Spiritual experiences culturally pursuing things that are abominable to God with mores and cultures Customs we were led to worship other.

    Gods I know no other God who can do to you what our God can do I know no other lowercase God I can give you breath and everything.

    Else no other God no other God who's able to resurrect you from the midst of the Dead to live with him forever I know no other God who.

    Offers himself to change your destiny there's no other there is no weather this God gave everything so I don't want you to leave this place without this God.

    I don't want you to leave this place without becoming a child of God his children are heiress and heiresses it's written in Galatians 4 from verse four.

    The fullness of time has arrived and God sent his son born of a woman to rescue those under the law so that we might be receiving the adoption he died so that we could be adopted as.

    Children mankind was created to become children of God but sin extracted the DNA of God not a child anymore just a creature they lost the DNA of God the glory of.

    God and Adam everyone have sinned and everyone has lost the glory of God dead mankind only comes back to life when we become a child of God again and there's only one way to become a child.

    Again through the cross the blood of the Cross signs that deed of adoption the blood of the Lamb of God has purchased.

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    CLique no Link do Vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkO40Wo73RU

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